

The intricate world of bees is yours to be discovered. We’d like to make it accessible and fun, in a safe and rewarding environment.

Over the past 4,000 years, so much has been written about honey bees. Because of this extensive wealth of information, it’s really hard to sift through and find out what really applies to your area. Was the author from Ontario or another province? From somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere or from Chile? Bees and beekeeping need a regional approach. Every decision is about the many nectar or pollen flows and the endless cycles of the seasons in the surrounding area.

This is why it is important to find someone locally who can help you make informed decisions about management techniques and their timing.


We’ll help you:

  • with the set up of your beekeeping operation; location, type and number of boxes, protective equipment, smoker, etc.
  • with reliable partners of reputable sources for boxes and accessories
  • by explaining the beekeeping world terminology;
  • by sending you relevant info and links to videos on topics that the ‘newbee’ should be familiar with before even getting their first bee!

But before all of this, the best advice would be to come and visit and try cracking one of our hives open, under our watchful eye! That way, by shadowing us or actively doing the work yourself, you’ll really see if you are moving in the right direction, or if more prep work should be done.

Beekeeping is sooooo rewarding. It’s important work also, which may be one of the initial thoughts you had when exploring beekeeping. One needs to first and foremost understand the basics of bee biology, the different castes of bees and the many internal cycles and rhythms of a colony. Based on this knowledge, you’ll then be in a position to make proper decisions that will directly influence colony health and the honey harvest.

Typical questions along our journey together may be:

  • My colony is getting really strong; should I split it?
  • I can’t seem to find eggs; do I still have a queen?
  • Why are all those bees flying at the front of the hive? What are they doing exactly?
  • How do I know if my honey is ready to harvest?

We’ll help you through all of this.

The first step of our consulting program should start in our own apiary; there, we can explain things in a real environment.

Then, when your bees are ready, we’ll move on to your own bee yard to continue this relationship. You’ll be able to perform inspections, using proper techniques, in order to assess your colonies’ strength.

It’s all fun.  For you, and for the environment.

Consulting available at $75/hour.

Please beekeep responsibly 😉